
Acquisition - Décontamination - Réhabilitation

Fort de l’expérience et de la force du réseau développé par ses partenaires du Groupe Horizon, des acteurs de premier plan dans la gestion des sols contaminés depuis 1995, Avatek Immobilier est apte à mener à bien des projets d’importances variées. Il n’y a pas de projets trop grands ni trop petits pour Avatek Immobilier. Notre objectif, est de participer à la réhabilitation du plus grand nombre de terrains possible au Québec et dans les territoires environnants.

The following overview of Avatek Immobilier’s accomplishments is a testimonial to our expertise.

Acquisition and rehabilitation of a contaminated soil storage site

Avatek Immobilier proceded to the decontamination of a temporary contaminated soil storage site in an industrial park in Mirabel. More than 30,0000 metric tons of metal-contaminated soil were sent to an authorized site.

Acquisition and rehabilitation of a service station in Rosemère

Avatek Immobilier rehabilitated a service-station site located on a very busy roadway in Rosemère. A contemporary-style building, consisting of shops on the ground floor and offices on the floor above, will be soon be erected on the site.

Acquisition and rehabilitation of a scrap yard in Blainville

Avatek Immobilier acquired and rehabilitated a 200,000-square-foot former scrap yard located on Curé-Labelle Boulevard in Blainville. A residential project consisting of townhouses and income-generating rental buildings will soon be built on the site.

Acquisition and rehabilitation of an illegal residual-waste dump site
In collaboration with Sanexen and Traces Québec, Avatek Immobilier carried out an innovative residual-waste and contaminated-soil traceability project at an illegal dump site in Mascouche. The site is located in a booming district close to a commuter train station and will be transformed into a transit-oriented development neighbourhood.